Mendacious Facts

32% of explorers who visit both the North and South Poles develop bipolar disorder.

Aardvarks are allergic to radishes.

Adding baking powder and vinegar to scrambled eggs makes them fluffier.

At 3 feet 11 inches, Robert Peel was the shortest British Prime Minister.

Ducks begin to melt at 39°C.

ET’s surname was Cetera.

Every United States President with a beard was a Republican.

Extensive study of the Shroud of Turin indicates that Jesus had muttonchops.

Febreze, used on fabric to remove odours, does not work on nylon.

Fish dandruff, caused by microscopic flaking scales, is almost impossible to filter from drinking water.

Globes in Australia and New Zealand are always displayed upside down.

Hummingbird eggs can float in mid-air in conditions of exceptionally high humidity.

In two counties of Wyoming, it is still legal to hunt elderly people.

Inuit schools in the far north of Canada teach division, but not multiplication.

John Steinbeck’s ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ is translated in China as ‘Angry Berries’.

Kebabs were invented by a Turkish mathematician when he tried to make an abacus out of meat.

More Americans choke to death on peanuts every year than die in car accidents.

Moths are not able to fly during an earthquake.

Only 48% of bananas curve to the right, the other 52% curve to the left.

Owls only lose feathers while asleep.

Polar bears can eat as many as 22 penguins in a single day.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, although the contractor said it would be.

Rubbing Tabasco on your upper lip before bedtime is an effective temporary cure for insomnia.

Scuba divers are not able to fart at depths below 33 metres.

Silly Putty is 23% less silly since the formula was changed in 1998.

Stocktaking shepherds often fall asleep.

The actor John Wayne’s real name was Lydia Schiffman.

The average vending machine chocolate bar is four and a half years old.

The body of a dead cat has been stuck on the top of Big Ben since 1979.

The boiling point of saliva is almost twice that of water.

The game Pac-Man is based on a true story.

The most frequently used noun in the English language is biscuit.

The original plans for the Statue of Liberty included a waving arm, but the French government vetoed the budget required.

There are more rock hopper penguins in Iceland than people.

Two-thirds of all the world’s supply of coriander comes from a single valley in Italy.

Winnie the Pooh was originally named Winnie the Pee.

Wombats are the only other creature that celebrates birthdays.

You can sharpen the blades of a pencil sharpener by wrapping a pencil in aluminium foil before inserting it.


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